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Through Mission Planner it is possible to handle the mandatory proximity warnings to the No-Fly-Zones defined by the European Normative.

Upload the No-Fly Zones

While the European Authority has defined the format for No-Fly Zones, it has not yet provided a shared database accessible to all drone operators. However, Mission Planner allows you to define local No-Fly Zones using the approved format.

Steps to Upload No-Fly Zone Definitions:

  1. Create a JSON file containing the No-Fly Zone definitions following the format approved by the European Authority.

  2. Name the file: eunfz.json

  3. Place the file in the folder: Program Data\Mission Planner (This folder is hidden on the C drive.)


Figure 40. Upload the No-Fly Zones

At startup, Mission Planner will attempt to read the file eunfz.json located at:Program Data\Mission Planner

Geoawareness Operating Status

The Geoawareness system may be off in the following cases:

  1. The eunfz.json file is not found in the specified location.
  2. The polygon definitions within the eunfz.json file do not follow the correct syntax.

GPS Signal Loss

If the drone loses GPS signal:

  • The Geoawareness polygons will still appear on the HUD.
  • However, the system cannot compute the drone's distance relative to the Geoawareness polygon boundaries due to the unknown position.

In this scenario, a navigation failsafe will trigger. For more details, refer to PART C, section 5.3.

Threshold to Alert

Mission Planner is configured to throw a proximity warning when the drone is within 200 meters of the NFZ boundary. However, due to certain factors, the minimum distance at which the system can issue a proximity warning is 180 meters.

Key Factors Affecting the Warning Distance:

  • Proximity Warning Check Refresh Rate: The system checks for proximity at intervals, which may impact the warning timing.
  • Drone's Maximum Speed: The speed at which the drone can move affects the timing and ability to issue a warning.

Figure 41. Threshold to Alert


Mission Planner is designed to issue a warning when the drone is at least 180 meters away from the NFZ boundary, considering the above factors.


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